28 December 2011

What's with the toothpaste

After my last post, I decided it was best I keep my whining about the holidays to myself.  Now that Christmas is all unwrapped and there is very little on tap for New Year's, I can move on to other kinds of whining.

I've compiled a list of complaints/questions regarding toothpaste.  It may seem silly, but I encounter the tube at least 2 times per day and what I see drives me crazy.

  • What is with the toothpaste and why are women the only people capable of using a tube of toothpaste without turning it into a disgusting mess in some way?  (Grown women only because Zoe is as much of a culprit here as Rob.)  
  • Seriously, how very hard it is to squeeze the tube from the bottom?  
  • And can you not yet judge the force of squeeze you'll need to get the toothpaste out without also getting it all over the top of the tube?  
  • And one more question, is it really so hard to rinse the toothpaste residue from the sink when you're done brushing your teeth?
Any insight here would extremely helpful.  And please don't tell me I am OCD.  I have lived with other women and I know they do not behave like this with toothpaste.  

Maybe I need some more post-holiday rest?

13 December 2011

< whine >

I want to enjoy the holidays, I really do.  But there is just so much to do and think about and spend.

I just keep fantasizing about the day after when I may finally get to rest and possibly be left alone for 4 or more hours with nothing to buy, wrap, cook or prepare in any way.

I hate being this way.  Gifts and parties are supposed to be fun.  So when did it get so exhausting?

< /whine >

09 December 2011

Letter to Santa

This year's letter from "been good all year (almost)" Zoe, now on it's way to the North Pole.

08 December 2011

Its the most craziest time of the year

Not much blogging from me these days.  Seems like there has barely been time to breath since the week before Thanksgiving.  OK, I did some breathing during the week of Thanksgiving because we were on vacation, but I didn't blog then although I probably should have.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here are a few thousand words from our Dallas road trip vacation:

from The Peeps Store in National Harbor, MD
Yes, we went out of our way to go and it was worth it!

Ashton demonstrating the proper way to drink martinis

Zoe and Samantha playing DJ Hero

Zoe looking gorgeous as photographed by the uber-talented Ashton

And the stars of the Dallas show -- Karen and the newest Mr. Smith (Scott)