09 February 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates

On Sunday my Dad came over to watch the Super Bowl with us. He was leaving for a vacation to the Bahamas the next day so he brought Zoe a Valentine's gift. (Yes, I hate him for being in the Bahamas right now.) Zoe's gift was a traditional heart-shaped box of chocolate with a little stuffed Teddy Bear attached to the top. She liked it very much.

Before half-time Zoe gave up on watching the game with us and went upstairs to watch TV in my bedroom. She asked me if she could eat her Valentine's chocolate for her dessert. Since I am on a diet and want all candy like that disposed of one way or the other as quickly as possible, I said yes. She's a pretty good self-regulator so I wasn't worried she'd eat the entire box.

About an hour later I went up to check on her and tell her it was almost time for bed. Then I asked her how she liked her chocolate.

"It was awful!" she said. I was quite surprised so I asked her why. "I don't like chocolate with stuff in it. I took a bite out of each one, but they all had stuff in it."

I opened the discarded box and sure enough there was each chocolate with one bite gone. It was a pathetic site.

"Why can't they just make all chocolate? That stuff ruins it," she complained. I told her I didn't know.

I left the room and immediately burst out laughing. Then I showed the box to Rob who promptly made the problem chocolate go away by eating all the bitten candies.


HT said...

My favorite chocolate has stuff inside! I like the nougats, the caramels, the fruit creams, the jellies... I often lament that everything is just chocolate truffle filled! Sounds like Zoe and I need to trade boxes of candy in the future...

ZoesMom said...

HT -- I promise to save Zoe's next box of chocolates for you. Before she takes a bite out of each one, of course.

Emily Barton said...

Too funny!