28 January 2009

2009 Resolutions

OK I have been giving this some thought and I think I have arrived at my final list of resolutions for 2009. In no particular order:

1. Read another 50 books. I am proud of myself for getting through that many books last year. The goal definitely kept me reading more and watching TV less. I want to continue that. Included with that goal is that I want to read more of the books I already own. Not sure if I will track that, but maybe I should.

2. Stay on top of my inbox. I tend to let my email inboxes get ridiculously long and crowded -- especially my work email. This year I am determined to be more diligent about deleting or filing emails as necessary because half the time when I look back at emails I can't even remember why I kept most of the them.

3. Cook. No, not cook more, because I don't really count microwaving or heating something up in the toaster oven as cooking. I want everyone in my house to eat healthier meals. I try to buy good food, but we also tend to go out a lot. So, my goal is to cook one dinner per week. I've cooked 2 dinners so far in January. Nothing glamorous, but they were hot and they got eaten. Also I have a great source of inspiration because Becky, knowing of my secret intentions for this year, gave me a fantastic cook book for Christmas. I haven't gotten past putting post-it notes on the recipes I want to try because I think I am a little intimidated, but I am looking forward to giving some of these recipes a shot.

4. Try doing more sports and outdoor activities. I'd like to really get in skiing and ice skating this winter. In the spring I want to go hiking and take some tennis lessons. Not sure yet about summer and fall since those tend to be my most active times anyway, but I will think of something to do. Maybe more of the same. Whatever it is, I want to do more of it.

5. Get rid of the clutter. My house isn't severely cluttered, but we've been living here almost 6 years and stuff builds up in all the hidden places like the closets and the cabinets. When I set up my home office and had to move a bunch of stuff around I realized how much clutter had build up. Main goals are the kitchen cabinets and the upstairs hall in the alcove that has the desk. Not sure anyone has a clear idea of the full inventory of those areas, but they are not being put to their best use right now.

So, I'll check back in 12 months and let you know how it goes...


Charlotte said...

Good luck with your resolutions! I cook a lot, pretty much every day, and it is very satisfying, especially if you have good recipes.

I'm with you on the exercise, the reading, the inbox and the decluttering!

Anonymous said...

That's a great list! I am also a microwaver, re-heater, order-outer but I have found that by picking the item I will make for the week and writing the items on the grocery list I will feel compelled to cook it because, for the first time I will actually have things to make things!!!

Anonymous said...

Great list! And I love putting sticky notes in cookbooks. Next week my goal is to clean and remove all clutter from the kitchen/pantry, and then begin, yes, cooking.

Emily Barton said...

Come to PA, and we'll cook and hike.

tracie valentino said...

You know you have an open invitation to come skiing with us whenever we go (hopefully next weekend... again :)

Madeline really got into hiking last autumn--Maybe you, me, Zoe, and Madeline can all go for a hike once the temps become tolerable again.